Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pakistan’s contraceptive performance increases by 0.7%

ISLAMABAD: The contraceptive performance of Pakistan during financial year 2011-12 in terms of Couple Year of Protection (CYP) has increased by 0.7 percent in comparison with the corresponding period of the financial year 2010-11, according to the latest contraceptive performance report issued by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).
The term Couple Years of Protection (CYP) is one of several commonly used indicators to assess internationally the family planning efforts. It is the protection provided by contraceptive methods during one-year period, based upon the volume of all contraceptives sold or distributed to clients during that period. It is also an indirect estimator of birth control.
According to report, the Province-wise profile of CYP indicates an increase in Punjab (11.4 percent) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (12.1 percent), while decrease in Sindh (8.8 percent) and Balochistan (6.4 percent) whereas an increase of 19.5 percent witnessed in the district Islamabad. The Contraceptive Performance of Population Welfare Departments and NGOs have also shown an increase of 6.9 percent and 3.8 percent respectively, as compared with the previous year. Method-wise comparison of CYP, shows increase in Oral Pills (7.2 percent) and IUDs (8.8 percent) while decrease in Condoms (7.7 percent), Injectable (9.7 percent) and Contraceptive Surgery (11.7 percent) is observed, the report maintained.
According to data, Outlet-wise CYP depicts an increase of 8.1 percent in Family Welfare Centers (FWCs), 29.0 percent in Reproductive Health Services-A Centers (RHS-A), 6.8 percent in Mobile Service Units (MSUs),  15.8 percent in Hakeems and Homeopaths (H&H), 8.7 percent in Male Mobilizers (MM), 7.4 percent in  Registered  Medical  Practioners  (RMPs), 37.4 percent  in  FATA,  8.6 percent  in  Family Planning  Association of  Pakistan  (FPAP).  The performance  has  decreased  by  46.3 percent  in RHS-B, 9.8 percent  in Provincial  Line  Departments (PLDs), 2.9 percent  in  AJK,  12.0 percent  in  Gilgit-Baltistan, 0.8 percent in Regional Training Institutes (RTIs), 22.3 percent in Marie Stopes Society of Pakistan and 13.5 percent in Social Marketing of Contraceptives (SMC).
The overall Contraceptive  Prevalence  Rate (CPR)  on  the  basis  of  modern  methods during 2011-12  is  23.20 percent. The  provinces  make  the  rising  sequence  of  CPR  as Balochistan  (6.33 percent),  Sindh  (13.09 percent),  Punjab  (15.60 percent)  and  Khyber  Pakhtunkhwa (17.45 percent). The highest CPR is observed in the Federal district Islamabad (36.09 percent).
The  CPR  is  the  percentage  of  women  who  are  practicing,  or  whose  sexual  partners  are practicing, any form of contraception. It is usually measured for married women age 15-49 years only.  The  Contraceptive Prevalence  Rate  (CPR)  of  Pakistan  is  calculated  on  the  basis  of consumption of contraceptive by converting number of units sold into users.
In absolute terms, the contraceptive performance of program and non-program service outlets have reported  a  sale  of 149.278 million  units  of  Condoms, 6.223 million  cycles  of  Oral Pills, 1.315 million  insertions  of  Internal  Uterine Devices  (IUDs) and 2.705 million  vials  of Injectables.  Also 119,582 Contraceptive  Surgery (CS)  cases have  been performed  during  the financial year 2011-12.
At  national  level,  method-wise comparison  during  2011-12 over 2010-11,  in  terms of CYP, has shown an increase in Oral Pills (7.2 percent) and IUDs (8.8 percent) whereas a decrease of 7.7 percent in Condoms,  9.7 percent  in  Injectables  and  11.7 percent  in  Contraceptive  Surgery  (CS)  cases  has  been observed.
The Contraceptive Performance Report was prepared on the basis of data received from Provincial Population Welfare Departments (PPWDs), Population Welfare Departments AJK, GB and FATA, the District Population Welfare Office, ICT, Islamabad, Family Planning Association of Pakistan (FPAP) , Marie  Stopes Society of Pakistan (NGO), Social Marketing of Contraceptive (SMC), Regional Training Institutes (RTIs) and Public-private Partnership(PPP)/Target Groups Institutes(TGIs).
Posted by:  Posted date: January 23, 2013

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